At-home IPL hair removal handsets have been a trendy method in removing unwanted hair in recent years. Its popularity has also skyrocketed as people are opting for DIY At-Home Laser Hair Removal now more than ever due to Covid-19. However, IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) or the so-called “At-Home laser hair removal” is not for everyone and we want to make sure that you make the right purchase.
Here are some things to consider and understand before investing in a home-use IPL hair removal handset.
1. Check your skin tone because IPL or at-home laser hair removal is NOT for everyone
“One of the biggest drawbacks to at-home laser hair removal? The tools only work on a narrow range of hair and skin colors. The lasers zero in on pigments in the hair follicle and are only effective when there’s a lot of contrast between skin and hair. That means the systems are recommended for people with light skin and dark hair.” - Cleveland Clinic
- IPL technology cannot treat skin with dense melanin or hair lacking melanin. (Refer to the chart above)
- This is because IPL needs the melanin in the hair to absorb its light energy in order to carry out its function. The dense melanin in the darker skin will confuse the IPL and transmit the energy to the skin instead of the hair follicle, making the treatment less efficient.
- Moreover, when the melanin in your skin turns out to be the one to absorb most of the IPL instead of your unwanted hair, your skin will feel the sting more than those who have less melanin in their skin.
- All forms of IPL are also not suitable to use on areas with tattoos, or big birthmarks due to the dark pigments.
- Make sure to check the hair and skin tone compatibility before purchasing. You can always DM SHERO to enquire about skin tone suitability here.
2. You will have to start shaving
Starting your permanent hair removal treatment means you will have to stop the conventional hair removal methods like waxing, epilating, and plucking because these methods will render the IPL or Laser hair removal treatment ineffective.
You will need to start shaving if you haven’t already. Shaving is necessary to remove the excessive hair length prior to any laser hair removal treatment. We realize the culture that we grew up in had taught most of the women that they shouldn’t shave because hair will either grow faster or thicker. That is not true and the myths have been debunked.
Read more here to understand why and how to shave before any IPL hair removal treatment and get rid of your fear of shaving!
3. Adopting a new regime
Like any IPL hair removal treatment in salons, you won’t be seeing results instantly! The goal is not to burn off your hair but to stimulate your hair follicle over and over again to put them into the resting phase so that they will slow down hair growth and eventually stop growing hair (Users see results after an average of 6 - 8 weeks).
In order for that to happen, you will need to start planning your treatment and be persistent until the treatment is completed. Even when desired results are achieved, users are still encouraged to use once a week or once every two weeks to touch up and maintain the results.
In SHERO, our team will assist you through the whole planning process. We will also provide insights and tips for shaving, product usage, and post-care. Don’t be shy to reach out to us!
4. Get to know the product specs and features!
Not all at-home DIY laser hair removal handsets are the same. Its lifespan, power intensity, extra features, and prices will affect your whole user’s experience.
- Its lifespan can be measured by the number of flashes it can emit before the lamp tube ages out. The flash count can range from 300,000 - 999,999 flashes, for example: an IPL hair removal device with 999,999 flashes can last about 5 - 8 years depending on your usage.
- Also, worth mentioning that some devices have LCD screens to show you the settings and the remaining flash counts.
- It is also important to note that some IPL permanent hair removal devices emit harmful UV rays and some do not. Researching the product specs and features will help make your money well spent.
5. Knowing your goal
Everyone has different goals when it comes to hair removal. For some people, it's their upper lip and chin hair, while for some it is a bikini area or underarm. Make sure to understand the device you are purchasing and its capabilities.
- Different body parts will require different amounts of time to achieve results and it all varies from person to person. For example, the upper lip has shown to be fastest in achieving hairless skin, usually results seen within 4 - 6 weeks. Arms and legs are fairly quick as well, estimated to see results or significant progress in 8 weeks.
- While for bikini areas, due to the skin’s higher sensitivity, darker skin tone, and coarse hair at the areas, it will take a much longer time than 8 weeks to achieve desired results.
- It also greatly depends on what energy level the user is able to use because different individuals have different levels of pain tolerance and different devices have different maximum energy outputs.
6. Warranty coverage and customer service
Most home-use IPL hair removal handsets have warranty coverage up to one year.
Be sure to purchase with a brand that is transparent with their product capabilities, and is informative in how they provide their customer service.