Shero Beauty would like to thank all of our users for taking the effort in documenting their experiences with our C-IPL hair removal handset and sharing their victory with us. We are grateful to be a part of your Shero journey.
Please note that, hair removal is a personal choice and not a beauty standard.
Let's respect everyone's personal choice towards their own body.

Based on our client feedbacks, we found that arm hair is the second fastest body part for hair to stop growing.
A notable reminder is to always avoid using Shero on moles, tattoo, dark pigmented areas or dark freckles. This is due to how our Calibrated-IPL works, which is by using light energy to target melanin within the hair follicles after shaving. Melanin is what makes our skin and hair contain dark pigment. Hence, slight pain will be felt if it flashes upon a large mole area, as the melanin absorbs the light.

Many of our users reported significant reduction of underarm hair around week 6. At week 3, the hair will grow out slower and finer. Around week 5-6, many of the follicles have been put to rest or closed up. There are a number of people, who reported that some strands (a range of 5-12 strands) seem to be "stubborn" and refuse to stop growing. This is due to the growth hormones that are constantly fluctuating and changing our hair's anagen phase. In order to successfully stop hair from growing with our C-IPL handset, it's essential to target the hair during the anagen phase. However, it is hard to determine when does that phase come about. Hence, we recommend to be consistent with your treatment to target the phase and put those stubborn strands to sleep.

Below are two examples of leg hair:
First being a finer hair thickness with high growth rate. Their Shero journey was fairly fast and successful due to diligence of treatment as well as smaller follicle pores, which closes up easier with Shero C-IPL handset. At the point of week 6, we recommended that the user convert to once a week treatment as touch up!
Our second testimonial has a coarser leg hair with bigger follicle pores. As you will be able to see, before using Shero and after shave, the follicle pores are apparent. After 5 weeks of following our Shero treatment chart, many of the follicle pores are closing up, and most hair have stop growing or became finer.